Having b/f next door, noodle soup w/ a delicious broth, yammy. then into town to change money. Bank opens officially at 8.30. in your dreams only. I'm a millionare! $200 buys 1.6 million Kip!
Hitting the road around 9.20. outside of houay xai it becomes very rural very fast. Lots of tribal villages. After a little while we are at it again, 5 miles up, 2 miles down. Occasionally with a lift by a truck, hehe... Hanging on with one hand at the rear bumper inches away from the wheels. Still it's hard work.
Had some very fast and long downhill shots. What goes up has to come down, right?!
After 55 km the road becomes more deteriorated, stretches of gravel. Stop at some jungle ravine, cool and wet.
The landscape, beside hilly resp. mountainous,
is covered partially by prime forest, but to the biggest part it's already denuded.
Around 3.30 I arrive in doncha, after some difficulties I find the hang haem. A surprise, a French couple is already there. They travel on a tandem recumbent bike, a special construction, the rear rider faces backward!
Chat with the couple, drink a beer, do laundry and shower.
Km 70.10, ave 16.3, tm 4.17
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